Thursday, April 23, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Gardner Art Heist, Breaking News !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Art Hostage has some breaking news about the Gardner Heist you will not find anywhere else.

Watch this space.......................................

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Mike Sullivan, Gone by Monday, Was it Something I Said. ??

US attorney to resign sooner than expected

List of finalists for post not yet sent to Obama

US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan, who became Massachusetts' top federal law enforcement official a week after 9/11, plans to resign at midnight Sunday to pursue a private law practice in Boston.

"It has been a privilege to serve as the United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts for the past 7 1/2 years," Sullivan said in a statement. He also served from August 2006 to January 2009 as acting director of the federal bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

"I was humbled and grateful for President Bush's confidence in me and for the support I have received from the hard-working and dedicated employees throughout the ATF and at the US attorney's office in the District of Massachusetts," the 54-year-old Republican added.

Christina DiIorio-Sterling, Sullivan's spokeswoman, said in an e-mail that her boss "will be practicing in Boston with interest in corporate and white-collar matters," but she declined to be more specific.

His departure comes as little surprise, given that a committee appointed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy has been interviewing potential successors in recent weeks.

But the timing was somewhat unexpected because the committee has not yet recommended any finalists to Kennedy, who is expected to relay his recommendation to President Obama. Several legal observers say it could be months before Obama nominates a successor and the Senate confirms the candidate.

Typically, the first assistant US attorney becomes acting US attorney until a successor is appointed, although that decision is up to US Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., said Ian McCaleb, a Justice Department spokesman in Washington.

Michael K. Loucks is Sullivan's first assistant and has often run the office when Sullivan was serving as acting ATF director in Washington.

The Kennedy committee is expected to recommend three or four finalists to the senator during the last week of April, according to Michael E. Mone, a well-known Boston lawyer who heads the panel.

Several names have been bruited about in legal circles in recent weeks as potential successors, including: Ben T. Clements, chief legal counsel to Governor Deval Patrick; Robert M. Delahunt, a former Norfolk County prosecutor and cousin of US Representative William D. Delahunt; Suffolk District Attorney Daniel F. Conley; Michael B. Keating, a partner at Foley Hoag and former president of the Boston Bar Association; and Alice E. Richmond, a Boston lawyer and former Suffolk County prosecutor and special assistant attorney general.

Others include Martin F. Murphy, another partner at Foley Hoag and former federal prosecutor and first assistant district attorney in Middlesex County; Allison D. Burroughs, a partner at Nutter, McClennen & Fish who served for years as a federal prosecutor; former attorney general Scott Harshbarger; Karen F. Green, a partner at WilmerHale and former federal prosecutor; Ralph J. Cinquegrana, a partner at Choate Hall & Stewart and former federal prosecutor; and Assistant US Attorney Carmen M. Ortiz.

Richmond yesterday confirmed she wants the job and criticized Sullivan's performance. She said he took a narrow view of his mission and should have more aggressively prosecuted complex financial crimes.

"There's an opportunity to have a financial services department so that the one whistleblower about [accused swindler Bernard] Madoff who was in Boston wouldn't have to go to New York to make the complaint," she said, referring to the Boston accountant Harry Markopolos.

Sullivan, a former Plymouth County district attorney, has been credited during his tenure with building a nationally renowned healthcare fraud unit that has recovered more than $4 billion, much of it from pharmaceutical companies prosecuted for marketing drugs for uses not approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

He also prosecuted would-be shoe-bomber Richard Reid, disgraced former FBI agent John Connolly, and numerous corrupt police officers. And he helped lead an effort to capture the fugitive gangster James "Whitey" Bulger, to no avail.

But critics, including at least two federal judges, have publicly said Sullivan gave short shrift to white-collar prosecutions at the expense of small-time, nonviolent drug offenders who used to be prosecuted in state courts. Detractors have also faulted him for insisting that his prosecutors file the most serious provable charges and resist plea bargaining, saying it caused more defendants to go to trial.

US Chief District Court Judge Mark L. Wolf has repeatedly criticized Sullivan for the failure of his prosecutors to disclose evidence that could have cleared defendants.

Historically, the senior senator from the president's party picks nominees to become federal judges, US attorney, and the US marshal in each state, though it is the president who advances the candidates by sending their names to the Senate Judiciary Committee for confirmation.
Art Hostage comments:

Mike Sullivan will head for the private sector to become a "Gardner Gossip" and try to recover the stolen Gardner art, using his inside knowledge to collect the five milion dollar reward.

More to follow..........

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Whitey Bulger, One Last Push For Mike Sullivan !!! Update, Update !

Over the last few weeks Art Hostage has observed an added impetus to the hunt for Whitey Bulger.

First there was the extraordinary meeting of the Massachusetts District Attorneys Association where Mike Sullivan, as U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, or "Big Daddy D.A." issued a plea to pull out all the stops in the faint hope Whitey Bulger could be located before Mr Sullivan leaves his post.

It was pointed out to Mike Sullivan that locating Whitey Bulger was not the problem, it was the authority to arrest Whitey Bulger that was the reason why he had not been arrested.

It was also pointed out to Mike Sullivan that for Whitey Bulger to actually be arrested, permission would be needed from none other than Robert Mueller Director of the FBI.

However, it now seems FBI Director Robert Mueller is finally on board and the real go-ahead to arrest Whitey Bulger was issued a few weeks ago.

The circle in which Whitey Bulger can move in has been reduced and the focus is on the West of Ireland, Galway, Bantry Bay( little cottage overlooking Bare Island) and Limerick, to make a start.

What with the recent shootings of two soldiers in Ireland and the increased activity of undercover security services, it is felt there is a good chance of locating and arresting Whitey Bulger.

There is a fear that Whitey Bulger, who has written a series of diaries, somewhat like the Hitler diaries, will implicate many FBI officials not least the current Director Robert Mueller, from his time in Boston back in the 1980's.

Perhaps this recent change of heart by Director Mueller signals his retirement is fast approaching, as any mud thrown by a captured Whitey Bulger will do less damage to the FBI if Robert Mueller has retired.
As to the Gardner art that is held in Ireland, well Mike Sullivan may think:
"A Bulger in the hand is worth Two Gardner paintings in the Bush"
Speaking of the Gardner art, latest focus is on Shajah in the UAE to try and recover what Gardner art is currently held in Sharjah, Rembrandt's Storm a possible.
So, Mike Sullivan, be careful what you wish for !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Latest news, now that Jeremiah O'Sullivan died 14th Feb 2009, authorities are preparing to dump allot of the Whitey Bulger crimes, or the ability to commit those crimes, on a conspiracy headed by Jeremiah O'Sullivan, in his pursuit of the Italian Mafia in Boston.
Whilst retired authority figures can attract less crap for the govt, Dead men cannot defend themselves and prove to be useful patsy's.
Again, Mike Sullivan, be careful what you wish for, you are only an O' away from being a scapegoat !!!
Breaking news
Art Hostage has learnt from a contact in Florida who I shall call Florida Phil, that Bernard Ternus, (remember him, the guy caught by FBI Legend Robert Wittman in a sting for stolen paintings taken in an armed raid in the South of France), is trying to help the Tampa FBI, out of Maitland, to recover a huge Topaz stolen in France. Bernard Ternus is also trying to locate Whitey Bulger through his underworld contacts.
However, gossip earlier this year was Whitey Bulger entered the United States through Florida via the Caribbean off of a Yacht he had been cruising on.
Reason Whitey Bulger is back in the U.S. according to gossips is Whitey Bulger is dying and wants his family, or someone close to his family to collect the $2 million reward.
Whitey Bulger allegedly feels the time is right as he does not have long to live to hand himself in and face the music so to speak. So, at this moment in time Whitey Bulger could be enjoying Boca Raton for the last time.
Of course this could be way off but it is worth noting that gossip about the health of Whitey Bulger is more intense than for a long time, so it could be true.
However, other contacts in Ireland say Whitey Bulger is stuck in Ireland and unable to leave Ireland because of the increased activity of security services because of the recent actions by Dissident republicans. Must say Boca Raton Florida seems warmer than Ireland this time of the year, or any time of the year come to think about it.
What do you get if you combine Whitey Bulger, Florida and Ireland ???
Malaga Spain,
Torraviecca to be specific !!
What Art Hostage wants know is whether Whitey Bulger still has control of any Gardner art or has it been sold on ????
Which brings me to my next bit of news.
Authorities are trying to sting those with some Gardner art by saying they are acting for a Middle Eastern buyer and they think they may have a breakthrough.
Sorry to let you down but you have been rumbled and the only Gardner art you will recover from this source will be copies not originals.
Not to be deterred, enquiries have also be made in the UAE that there is someone willing to buy priceless stolen art and has lots of cash to spend.
Again this has been rumbled and it will not lead anywhere.
The person holding some Gardner art in the UAE certainly does not need cash, but may consider political favours on a diplomatic level.
Ok, enough of this pussy-footing around, the person with some Gardner art in the UAE is none other than Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi the ruler of Sharjah and the reason he is keeping what-ever Gardner art he has is because his beloved son died as a result of a drug dependency he developed whilst studying in America.
It was back in 1999 that after cleaning himself up, free from drugs, and training to become a top Police official in Sharjah, the Ruler of Sharjah's son was in England on holiday with his father and decided to have a hit of Heroin.
His body, free from drugs, could not take the amount and the ruler of Sharjah, Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi found his beloved son on the bathroom floor of their English country mansion.
By keeping Rembrandt's Storm on the Sea of Galilee etc old Mo Qasimi feels he is sticking it to America.
Well, that's how the story goes, unless of course it's all Gossip !!!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Whitey Bulger in Ireland, Vermeer Recovered !!

Art Hostage has learnt that the latest intelligence on the whereabouts of Whitey Bulger points to Ireland.

At a briefing for Massachusetts District Attorneys, latest intelligence estimates are Whitey Bulger has been in Ireland recently and requests have been made of security services, North and South to be on the look out for Whitey Bulger as they investigate Dissident Irish Republican activity, not least the recent shootings of two Army soldiers and a Policeman.

No mention of the Gardner art being with Whitey Bulger or the brothers, but another development is a contact in Chicago believes the Vermeer has been recovered or is about to be recovered.
If we could just deflate the huge ego's of all of us trying to recover the stolen Gardner art, then perhaps we could recover the art, after all, that is what it is all about, "The Art"
Perhaps Rocky and Mick Lawrence can strike lucky on their latest efforts, if there is not too much leaking of information ????

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Gardner Art, Location Discovered !!

Art Hostage has it on very good authority the stolen Gardner art is located behind the collective Ego's of all those who have tried to recover the Gardner art since it was stolen March 18th 1990.