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Monday, January 22, 2007
"Bloody Sunday" into "Super Sunday" 07 !!
Dr Paula J Dobriansky
Super Sunday Jan 28th 2007, See's Sinn Fein sign up to Policing and the Recovery of the Stolen Vermeer from Boston !!
It was announced on Friday that Mitchell Reiss, left, is standing down as US special envoy to the North, a position he has held since early 2004. He has continued in his role for the past two years despite leaving his post at the State Department to return to his position as Dean of International Affairs at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. Speaking to the Irish Times Dr Reiss referred to the political progress made in the past few years, adding, "The great joy of this job has been meeting the magnificent people in Ireland, both North and South and in Irish-America. It has been a remarkable personal and professional experience and one that I will always cherish".
Dr Reiss' successor will be Paula J. Dobriansky (51), left, who was appointed to the Department of State in March 2001 and named Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs in July 2005. She is described as a neo-conservative intellectual who was a founder member of a group which advocated intervention in Iraq back in 1998. Dr Dobriansky graduated in International Politics from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and went on to gain an MA and PhD in Soviet political/military affairs from Harvard University. Prior to her appointment by President Bush she worked as Senior International Affairs and Trade Advisor at a major law firm.
Dr Dobriansky will accompany Dr Reiss when he visits the North on a previously planned visit later this month.
She will probably be in Ireland next Sunday, 28th Jan, when Sinn Féin holds its ardfheis to review its policy on policing.
In an effort to convince republicans that it is time to support the PSNI, Gerry Adams along with MEP Bairbre de Brún is hosting a number of public meetings, the first of which was held in Toome, Co. Antrim, on Saturday. The Sinn Féin president told an audience of some 450, "We do not want to leave policing to the unionists. We do not want to leave policing to the securocrats". It was the party's duty, he argued, to ensure that none of the abuses perpetrated by the RUC in the past could happen again; he referred to a report, to be published today by the Police Ombudsman's office, which is expected to accuse Special Branch of turning a blind eye to murders committed by loyalist paramilitaries.
Early in the week DUP leader Rev. Ian Paisley welcomed Sinn Féin's decision to go ahead with the ardfheis, calling it a step forward. He said, however, the DUP would only share power if there is full delivery on the ground. Northern Secretary Peter Hain has repeated his assertion that there can be no change to the planned date of March 26 for the reinstatement of power sharing. If it doesn't happen by then, Stormont will be dissolved indefinitely.
Later Mr Adams offered to meet dissident republican leaders to explain the proposed change in Sinn Féin policing policy. He appealed to the Real IRA, Continuity IRA and INLA to end violence in order to peacefully achieve a united Ireland. Whatever about convincing those outside the party, it is clear that some veteran Sinn Féin members, who until now have backed the Good Friday Agreement, think supporting the PSNI is a step too far.
Art Hostage comments:
Memo to the Honourable FBI Agent Robert Wittman:
Unlike the Palestinians, who never miss and opportunity to miss an opportunity, I never want to miss an opportunity to recover the Vermeer.
Bob, as you well know politicians like to "hit the ground running" and relish a big headline to open their tenure.
Well, how about getting the Vermeer situation sorted this week and then allow Paula to bask in the media spotlight upon her triumphant return to the United States of America?
Sinn Fein supporting the police and the Vermeer to hand back to the people of Boston is something that would help the healing process of Bloody Sunday, collusion etc.
I am sure you will get some kind of credit for giving the politicians their media fix and it will put us on the road to recovering the rest of the Gardner art.
Sorry for being too eager, it is just that I cannot wait until St Patrick's Day.
Lets make this a "Super Sunday" to remember for all the right reasons.
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