Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Stolen Art Watch, Dick Ellis, of QUINTONS FARM HOUSE GROVE LANE ASHFIELD STOWMARKET IP146LZ The Truth Behind the Art Hostage Myth !!

Art Hostage would like to take this opportunity to clarify the facts surrounding the audacious recovery of these three stolen artworks, above, by Ex-Head of Scotland Yard's Art Squad, Richard "Dick" Ellis, of   


The £50,000 reward remains unpaid by the insurers AXA and I can state categorically that Dick Ellis has not, I repeat, has not, received one single penny of the £50,000 reward advertised.

The Moron who gave back all three paintings in one go, and then would not reveal his source when interviewed by London Acton Police, deserved to be locked up for being so thick and moronic.

Any blame for failing to collect the reward money falls squarely at the feet of the Moronic Second hand car dealer who handed back the three artworks, for thinking he could collect a ransom.

Furthermore, Dick Ellis spelt out clearly what would happen after recovery and how it would depend on London Acton Police to decide if a reward should be paid.

From a criminal perspective, given all the facts presented honestly by Dick Ellis, the Moronic Second Hand Car Dealer should have walked away, or at the very least consulted a lawyer to define his legal position and probabilities of collecting the reward legally.

Dick Ellis was just doing his job, the fact it turned out to be like taking candy from a baby is just a bonus.

Any comments about Dick Ellis receiving reward money and living "High on the Hog" were said Tongue in cheek and are not to taken as Gospel.

Dick Ellis was definitely not responsible for the Dinosaurs extinction, nor does Dick Ellis know there whereabouts of Bin Laden.

Any reference to these things are not to be taken seriously, no I mean it, really, Dick Ellis was not responsible for the Dinosaurs extinction !!

For the record, high value stolen art is always being offered back for rewards via Art Hostage and others.

Art Hostage gives an honest legal assessment of each case and then allows Underworld contacts to decide if they want carry through with any hand backs of stolen art.

The fact that Art Hostage has not recovered any stolen art recently is a sad indictment of the current attitude of Police and allows Art Hostage to retain the trust of the Underworld.

Art Hostage does not do "Stings, set up's", as they are short-sighted and counter productive for an honest negotiator.

Art Hostage leaves "stings and set-up's" for Police, it is after all, their job !!

Finally, it is worth considering how Crimestoppers operates.

An informant can give information anonymously and then collect a reward anonymously via a password at a high street bank, see website for details, below

This has proved effective and I wonder why the Police won't allow the Private sector to use the same tactic in recovering certain Iconic stolen works of art ?

I must say however, the way Crimestoppers operates inevitably breaches sections 21, 22, 23, and 27 of the 1968 Theft Act, therefore if this is allowed to go on at Crimestoppers why not use this method in recovering the Vermeer,Da Vinci, Cezanne, White Duck and other Iconic stolen artworks ?
 Dick Ellis, of  

Even as a youngster aged 12, below, Dick Ellis was searching for stolen art, !!


  1. Anonymous2:40 pm

    Dick Ellis only recovers stolen art if he can sting people and get them arrested, never trust him.

  2. Anonymous12:29 am

    Dick Ellis is trying to sting the Irish guys who hold some Gardner art.

    He is going to get them all arrested soon, so beware of the Dick Ellis false promises and undercover sting operation happening now in Ireland.
    July 3rd 2012

  3. Anonymous2:59 pm

    Let me tell you the truth about Dick Ellis.
    He has stood in a court of law and committed perdury on more than one occasion.
    Nobody can lie better than Dick.
    He has stolen money, He has stolen paintings.
    He was very very lucky I never had a tape recorder on me when talking to him once otherwise he would have got three years for perdury.
    How he has never been arrested is amazing.
    How he sleeps at night I dont know.
    Just had a thought ask Mr Dick Ellis to take a lie detector test, questions to be asked 'have you ever committed perdury in a court of law'.
    Let the real Dick Ellis stand up.
    You are a crook who has managed to get away with it for years.
    You will not make any complaints about what I have written Dick because you know if you were to take the lie detector test you would be found out.

  4. Anonymous4:15 pm

    Dick Ellis, received £8000 payment within a couple months of handover of painting’s - as full disclosure showed. Those responsible for the handover had the relevant legal apparatus in place to ensure a successful outcome in terms of, meeting the criteria for the upper limit of advertised £50.000 reward AXA wasted £400.000 in legal costs in a futile attempt to avoid paying out. Dick Ellis has been shown for what he is…..,

  5. Anonymous3:24 am

    The Head of Imperial Tobacco Group Security “David Bolus” helped broker a deal using his contacts within the Metropolitan Police Service - Bolus of Chewton Mendip in the West county- is a former Army Intelligence Officer, who served in Northern Ireland - he has extensive understanding of running informants & knows his way around the system - drawing upon a vast pool of ex army “Head Banger’s “.

  6. Anonymous4:18 am

    David “Fabrication” Bolus……..AKA Captain Menace.

    1. Anonymous11:08 pm

      Rose’s are Red & Foreign Wings….Something to “Mull” over…..

    2. Anonymous2:05 pm

      Oldgate ……….
