Friday, January 09, 2009

Stolen Art Watch, Homesick Cavalier !!

Remember this painting, above, stolen from the New South Wales Gallery, Sydney, Australia ???


Enquires continue into this Art Loss !!
Art Hostage made enquires as to the status of the stolen Cavalier painting back in the summer of 2008.
My findings were the Cavalier is now owned by the New South Wales Govt insurance arm and will not be returned to the NSW Gallery in Sydney if it is recovered.
The New South Wales Gallery was paid out in full for the loss of the Cavalier and has since replaced it with other artworks.
The man charged with recovering the stolen Cavalier is called Michael Maher, an ex-Sydney cop who now runs his own company.
Art Hostage enquired if there was any reward offered or if there would be monies paid if Art Hostage took on the recovery of the stolen Cavalier.
Michael Maher replied in no uncertain terms there was no reward offered and no money for expenses.
Seems Michael Maher wants to keep all the money for himself and expects those who help track down this stolen painting to do so for nothing.
However, I do give Michael Maher credit for being honest, if a little greedy.
There you have it folks, if you help recover the stolen Cavalier you will not get any money, not even a thank-you.
If you offer help and then try to back out before recovery you will be arrested and threatened with prosecution, especially if you provide proof of life, thereby demonstrating a degree of control.
Still, if money is not your motive contact Michael Maher below:
PH: 9977 1544 FAX: 9977 1983
Sydney Australia

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