Sunday, April 08, 2012

Stolen Art Watch, Gardner Art Heist, A Visual Investigation Featuring "Gardner Gossips" by Charles Vincent Sabba

Charlie Sabba explaining the large 8 foot by 6 foot 8 inch painting in his DuCret art studio (See the Newark Star Ledger feature by Tony Kurdzuk here:

Gardner Gossips:

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist

Salon, May 16, 2012

The date: March 18, 1990. The time: 1:20 A.M. The place: Boston. Two lone figures sit quietly in a small hatchback on Palace Road, carefully watching the clock and waiting. As the clock strikes 1:24 A.M., the figures, dressed in police uniforms, move silently to a side door of a business and knock. These men do not appear threatening or out of place yet they are about to commit one of the greatest art thefts of all time: The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist.

Twenty two years have passed since that night and the whereabouts of the stolen works still remain a mystery; works by Vermeer, Rembrandt, Degas, Manet and others with an estimated worth of $500 million. How did this happen? Who was involved? Where are the works now?

On Wednesday, May 16, at 8:00 p.m. Salmagundi Member and Art Cop Charles V. Sabba will shed new light on these questions and others. As Director of Unitel’s Art Loss Recovery Division, Mr. Sabba has been involved with the investigation for some time and has gotten close enough to many of the suspects to even paint their portrait. These portraits as well as other works by Mr. Sabba, will be on view May 13-19 in the Patrons’ Gallery Exhibition, "Charles Sabba’s Visual Investigation into the Isabella Steward Gardner Museum Heist."

Both the lecture and exhibition are open to the public and admission is free.

Charles Sabba's visual investigation into the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist,

The art exhibition will
run from May 14 through
May 20, 2012. Opening is on
Tues, May 16
at 6:30 and lecture at
8:00pm. The lecture is on
the robbery that resulted
in the loss of $500 million
worth of art and all of
the suspects, investigators,
reporters, and all the
other players that have
been involved in the invest-
igation over the past 22 yrs.
Please join us at: Salmagundi Club,
47 Fitfth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10003

Charles Vincent Sabba's art works can be viewed here:

His art under world visual investigations are documented here:

Vive la Boheme! A scholarly dissertation on Bohemia and Bohemian art and culture from the 1830s until present can be viewed here:

Sabba's artistic project to change the anatomy of his brain is documented here:

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