Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Stolen Art Watch, Dresden Green Vault Heist, Who Did It ?

Criminals large families: Where in Germany what are the Clans have to Say

With the deportation of a leading Bremer Clan member in the Lebanon this week, the topic of criminals, puts families back into focus. How is the situation in the whole of Germany – and in which regions the phenomenon of the Clan, it is common to crime? An Overview of some of these large families and police actions against members of such Clans are:
When talking about Clan-crime in Germany, then two of the most brazen acts quickly get out of this and the last year has been stolen in the sense: As this may, from a Berlin primary school is a work of art, the state office of criminal investigation quickly a well-known large family in the suspicion that the “family R”, such as the “Berliner Morgenpost” reported. The stolen “gold nest” should be about 80,000 euros in value. Even more rewarding is the theft of a 100-Kilo gold coin from the Bode-Museum in Berlin-Mitte in March 2017. The material value of the “Big Maple Leaf” will then have 3.75 million euros. Where the coin is today, don’t know the police. Melted down and made into money, it is suspected. Money that you can invest prima – in real estate, for example.
However, such spectacular cases are not the Bulk of the illegal transactions of criminals, members of large families – usually consist, according to investigators from the fraud, extortion, burglaries, thefts, drug trafficking and Prostitution.

night-and-fog action

Leading the Miri-Clan-member from Bremen deported

dpa police actions against criminal families
With illegal activities, it Makes such large families in many regions of Germany, and wealth. The state has sent to break this Power, and recently had several calls to the deportation of one of the leading heads of a Lebanese clan from Bremen in the middle of the week belonged to. The Person had been “obliged to leave the country,” said a spokeswoman for the Bremen Department of interior on Thursday. From media reports, that this “obligation to leave” already existed for a good 13 years.
another spectacular use, there was over a year ago in Berlin. There were seized at a large-scale action real estate is in the million value. This, too, is regarded as a significant blow to the Clan-crime in Germany.
But what the large families, and in which areas of Germany family members are criminal activities? A spokeswoman for the Federal criminal police office on star-demand in Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bremen, as the focus of the Clan-crime – a General Overview for the whole of Germany, the authority has not. As with all police powers, the Clan-crime countries thing. And the number of people counted on these networks, are usually appraised values.
Berlin: the capital of The Clans in Germany
The German capital is regarded in this country as the main location for criminals from large families. There, according to media reports, up to 20 such Clans. Particularly well known is the Abou-Chakers – also because of the friendship and subsequent enmity between the Rapper Bushido and Clan-chief Arafat Abou-Chaker, against the investigators in the past few years, more than 30 methods have hard are.
The Abou-Chakers come originally from Lebanon and immigrated in the 80s to Germany. You are in Berlin, the most famous of the Clan – the largest but they are not.
star talk

separation of Arafat Abou-Chaker

Bushido: “If anything happens to me, is taken care of for my family”

Bigger the Rammo-Clan is supposed to be, sometimes Remmo-Clan written – with an estimated 500 members, about twice as large as the Abou-Chakers. Known to the family Union, and also by his involvement in the Rapper scene. Bushido makes according to his own statement in the star after his break with Arafat Abou-Chaker now with a family member of Ashraf Rammo shops.
But in the music Business, including the Management of artists belongs to, does not appear to be part of the business of members of this family: A LKA-report listed in the past year 1146 of the operations on, in which members of the family Rammo were considered as suspects.
In the summer of 2018, there was the already mentioned use in Berlin: investigators seized 77 real estate this large family of more than nine million euros: money laundering is suspected. According to the LKA, the Clan is suspected of criminal profits in the amount of 28 million euros scammed. Money that should be invested in the family in those properties.
And finally, three members of the Clan are just currently due to the downturn in the Bode-Museum in front of the court, in which those gigantic gold coin was stolen. According to current planning, is expected to fall according to a court spokeswoman at the end of September a judgment.

separation of Arafat Abou-Chaker

Bushido and his wife Anna-Maria from the pack: “We will not allow ourselves to be more intimidating”

the Rammo family immigrated in the 80s, during the Lebanese civil war, to Germany. They were, so read it again and again in the media, stateless, and were originally from the area of today’s Southeast Turkey. Arrived in Germany, they were safe from war and violence, but at the time, initially no permission to work in the Federal Republic of Germany, and also the children were not subject to in the new home first, the school duty. Both circumstances are considered to be one of the reasons that a number of the former immigrants from Lebanon entry into the criminal Milieu and the emergence of a criminal parallel society in Germany.
A further in Berlin, well-known Clan Name in Berlin, the Miris – a in Germany, wide-branched family with loud “welt.de” an estimated 2500 members are. However, the Miris should have their focus in Bremen.
Bremen: home base of the Miri-clan
Bremen Miri-Clan is a family, which immigrated in the 80s, from Lebanon to Germany. Family members of the Miris is accused of Organised crime in various areas. But also in the Hanseatic city, the authorities try, the criminal activities of the clan curb. So it was on Thursday, first through the “image”newspaper known that one of the leading heads of this criminal has a big family and chief of the Bremen forbidden Chapters of the motorcycle club, Mongols MC in the early Morning at 3.40 PM in his at home. Then, the 46-Year-old was deported to Lebanon, and, accompanied by elite police officers, there flew out. The action are supposed to have authorities from Bremen, Berlin, and the Federal government working together in Secret for months.
North Rhine-Westphalia: Over a Hundred of families and thousands of crimes
North Rhine-with its many Metropolitan areas, the first state to the presented recently a comprehensive picture of the situation to the Clan-crime – and with spectacular data was the talk of the made Westphalia. After the middle of may, the study presented 104 Turkish goods in the past two years-Arabic immigrant families in the state for 14.225 crimes responsible, especially food as the focus of the clan crime, followed by Recklinghausen, Gelsenkirchen, Duisburg and other Ruhr area cities.
Also in the Ruhr area, many of these people came in the 80s and 90s over Lebanon. And also, you are originally from the Ottoman Empire, today’s Turkey. Clan name lists the picture of the situation – the police in Germany is called, for reasons of privacy protection, generally, no such name, of which there are also all sorts of spellings. But observers of the scene will know who is meant, if in the NRW collection abbreviations of the family names are called as “Clan O”, “E”, “A.”, “K”, “S”, “I”, “F”, “Ta”, “R” or “T”.

Criminal Clans

Scam: Driving in Germany to know thousands without traffic rules?

As one of the larger clan families , the family Al-Zein , sometimes El is Zein wrote. She has, according to media Compounds according to Berlin reports, but should be, especially in Essen and Duisburg widely used. Also the Name Omeirat is considered to be a term in the Ruhr area, which was also in Bremen and Berlin-based Miris .
in Total, were assigned to the 104 clan in NRW 6449 suspects in the investigated period. You have to do it not with “egg thieves or tobacco smugglers”, said the then Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) at the presentation of the management report. More than a third of the identified offences were threats, coercion, robbery and dangerous bodily injury. Among the legal and illegal areas of business in which family members are active, according to the report, the motor Vehicle trade and rental, key services, as well as the drugs and red light district. It is often used to hookah Bars for criminal transactions.
Postmarked by the last name
However, of course, anyone who is wearing one of the infamous last name, or from one of these large and widely branched families, not a Clan-Criminal. Also article on the topic back again. The Green Essen Alderman Ahmad Omeirat, who came as a child from Lebanon to Germany, is supposed to be a model example for Integration, Sr., But he met with hostility by his own admission again and again – because he bears the surname Omeirat.
sources: “Berliner Morgenpost”, “Bild-Zeitung”, “WAZ”, Ralf Ghadban: “to integrate the Lebanon-refugees yet?”, “Clan crime management report NRW 2018”, “Welt.de”
topics in this article with Make family Germany Berlin Bremen Lebanon, LKA North Rhine-Westphalia police of North Rhine-Westphalia, Bushido Berliner Morgenpost Berlin-Mitte drug Offense Arafat Abou-Chaker Bild-Zeitung

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