Robbers nab jewels from French president's ex-wife
PARIS (AP) — It was a classic burglary in a classy Paris suburb, except that the thieves who made off with jewels and valuables worth 500,000 euros ($650,000) had robbed the ex-wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy, police said Thursday.
Cecilia Attias, the former Cecilia Sarkozy, was not home in the chic suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine when the robbers broke into her first-floor apartment this month, a police official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the matter publicly.
Cecilia's husband, Richard Attias, a prominent public relations agent, lodged a complaint with police. Neither of them was in France when the theft occurred.
The former French first lady left Sarkozy in May 2005 for Attias, but returned to Sarkozy's side in the run-up to France's presidential elections in the spring of 2007. Their divorce was announced in October of that year, ending an 11-year marriage.
PARIS (AP) — It was a classic burglary in a classy Paris suburb, except that the thieves who made off with jewels and valuables worth 500,000 euros ($650,000) had robbed the ex-wife of President Nicolas Sarkozy, police said Thursday.
Cecilia Attias, the former Cecilia Sarkozy, was not home in the chic suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine when the robbers broke into her first-floor apartment this month, a police official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak about the matter publicly.
Cecilia's husband, Richard Attias, a prominent public relations agent, lodged a complaint with police. Neither of them was in France when the theft occurred.
The former French first lady left Sarkozy in May 2005 for Attias, but returned to Sarkozy's side in the run-up to France's presidential elections in the spring of 2007. Their divorce was announced in October of that year, ending an 11-year marriage.
Art Hostage comments:
Dragon Mikic and the Balkan Bandits may have gone too far this time ?
Art Hostage has the perfect solution for French President Nick Sarkozy, Carla could win some credit as well.
First contact Jean Marie Messier, he has contacts within the underworld of high value stolen art and antiquities, why Jean Marie Messier bought some of the illicit smuggled antiquities from Balkan Bandits that were discovered in the Paris home of Jean Marie Messier.
Jean Marie Messier can then track down the stolen jewellery and quietly buy them back and quietly hand them to French President Nick Sarkozy, who in turn can hand them to his ex-wife, gaining some peace and quiet, better still Nick Sarkozy can make this recovery plan look like it was organised by new wife Carla and Carla can personally hand back the stolen jewels.
Jean Marie Messier gains some credit and any past misdeed's can be forgiven.
However, Dragon Mikic may require a pardon for past misdeeds rather any money from Jean Marie Messier for returning the stolen Jewels taken from Cecilia Sarkozy.
After this deliciously dishonest deal, Art Hostage would like to be rewarded by Jean Marie Messier quietly returning what stolen paintings he has from the Gardner museum in Boston, no fuss, just contact Anthony Amore and let him know where to collect the artworks.
Anthony Amore
Anthony Amore, Director of Security, Isabella Stewart Gardner
Museum, Boston, 617 278 5114 work,
to be continued............................................