World Exclusive
Tale of Two Targets
World Exclusive, While J.K Rowling promotes the new Harry Potter movie and final book, Country House Art Thieves are targeting the Scottish Country House retreat of the Author and her family. Killiechassie House, on the banks of the river Tay on the far side of the Perthshire Town Aberfeldy, home to the first muster of the Black Watch is high on the "things to do" list of Organised Art Raiders.

It was at the beginning of May 2007 that Art Hostage was given information from a trusted Underworld source that high value art thieves had been driving along the banks of the river Tay in Aberfeldy and came across a Victorian mansion with colour coded spiked railings around the perimeter.

These art thieves parked their vehicle opposite the Mansion outside a family graveyard.
Apparently the graveyard dates back hundreds of years and is the ancestral burial place of former owners of Killiechassie House, the Stewart family I think.

One of the thieves jumped over the railings and went unchallenged to the main house. A quick look through the ground floor Windows and a check on type of windows and French doors to see if they could be drilled and taken off their hinges for a snatch raid, or if a ram raid would be better was established.

Subsequently, the art thieves found out that this was the Country home of Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling, husband and three children.
It is alleged that the Rowlings have a large art collection including some very valuable Scottish Colourist paintings, how the thieves found this out is unclear, or if even true. This interior photograph of Killiechassie House shows luxury furnishings that attract thieves.

Stunned by this news, Art Hostage contacted an London Insurance insider who in turn passed this sinister news to a Senior, trusted, Scottish Police Officer, who promised to pass this crucial information through to Tayside Police with the strong recommendation to follow up and conduct a new risk assessment at the very least. However, the Insurance Insider was warned that Perthshire, Tayside Police may not act on this intelligence and just hope for the best.
The vital question is whether Perthshire Tayside Police have alerted the Rowling family of the threat, especially as the promotion of the new movie and book will leave the house unattended, or worse, the family may be in residence during a raid and be at risk of being injured.
To heighten fears more, it has come to the attention of law enforcement that some Country House High Value Art Thieves are Cocaine fueled and are carrying guns whilst they conduct their art raids.
Why you may ask is Art Hostage going public on this?

Well a nasty experience before resulted in Cilla Black being robbed although Thames Valley Police were warned about the threat a year before, see story below.

Information was passed to DC 3882, Jackie Murdoch, Sgt Mick Brown and Sgt 2806 Richard May of the Thames Valley Police Force Intelligence Bureau.
THAMES VALLEY POLICE Tel: 01865 846000 & Direct Line 01865 293956, ask for Jackie Murdoch and she will confirm Cilla information was received but not acted upon.
To make matters worse the same Gang who robbed Cilla Black went on to commit further offences, before being convicted of other robberies in 2004
Thames Valley Police Force Intelligence Bureau
Oxford Road,
Kidlington, OX5 2NX
, Oxfordshire, UK
Fax: 01865 855736Contact :
DC3882 Jackie MurdochPolice antiques desk
Also ex-Thames Valley art and antiques Police officer Jim Hill was present when Cilla information was given.
As you will note, Police failed to warn Cllia Black because they did not want to unduly concern the family.
Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber was warned and had risk assessments done, Sting got Police surveillance at Lake House Wiltshire, poor old Cilla did not even get a visit or a phone call to warn her.
However, if Thames Valley Police had done a risk assessment check on Cllia's house they would have told her to secure all the downstairs windows with locks and upgrade the alarm system.
This would undoubtedly have prevented Cilla Black losing her treasured jewels given to her by her late husband Bobby.
So, amongst all the fluff stories about Harry Potter this is one that could turn nasty.

Subsequent to this, it was at the end of May 2007 that Art Hostage obtained further Underworld information that an Art crime "Spotter" had been on a visit to Frogmore, Windsor, to see the mausoleum of Queen Victoria that is opened only a few times a year for the public. this was on her birthday, 23rd May I think.
Anyway, while touring the grounds of Frogmore this Art Crime Spotter saw a set of French windows open and could see numerous amounts of Silver gilt items adorning a big dining table as well as other high value artworks.
The Spotter also saw that the French windows were wooden and would be easy to drill and take off their hinges for a snatch job.
It is interesting to note that even as the alarms are sounding, it would only take a matter of minutes to assemble holdalls full of silver gilt and pictures and be off before any guard arrive.
This Spotter reported his findings back to a particular high value stolen art handler, who in turn was in the process of rounding up his A-Team burglars to go take a look at Frogmore.
Again Art Hostage contacted a London Insurance insider, who in turn passed this dreadful news to S.O.C.A , who, in light of the Royal connection, dropped everything, raced to Frogmore, demanded a new risk assessment and put Frogmore on lock down.
Why, I hear you ask was Frogmore given top priority?
Well, it is a Royal House and part of Windsor Castle.
Law Enforcement would not dare act in a dilatory fashion with regards the Royals, it would be
"off with their heads"
Moral of these True Tales of Two Art Theft Targets:
"Money can't buy you everything, especially simple advice on protection if under a credible threat, unless of course you are part of the Royal Establishment"
I hope it is not the case, but for J.K. Rowling, being Royalty of the book and movie world may not be enough to get priority from dilatory Police.
No doubt, to be continued.................................................

1 comment:
Nice job Art Hostage...you were way ahead of this story MONTHS ago!
Anthony Amore
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